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Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 We woke to heavy rain. It was a foul start to the day.

Whereas I didn't have to venture out, Diane was due to take Ellie to the dentist. Fortunately, by the time they had to leave, the rain had stopped and it stayed dry until they were back home. Ellie used her booster seat instead of the child's car seat. It seemed much more convenient and it meant that she could travel in the front. I decided this was a sensible investment and ordered one from Halford's for collection later.

I stayed at home doing some filing and some technical reading. The phone rang. It was the heating engineer. He wanted to come over and check a few things over to ensure he was ready for Saturday when he plans to come back and finish the installation.

When Di returned from Chichester, I nipped to Halford's for the booster seat. The young assistant seemed a bit out of his depth. When he finally established that I was collecting an item, he went off searching for it. He returned, empty-handed and asked his colleague for the key to the collections locker. As they left the booth I called them back and pointed out that the package I had come to collect was on the floor, behind them, in the booth. Red-faced, he handed over the package and I returned home.

It has been very wet again this afternoon, and quite chilly. I spent my Kindle time in the kitchen. It was too cool for the Orangery, today.

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