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Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 We had our usual start to the day with Ellie arriving, like a whirlwind, soon after 07:00.

Di cracked on with some ironing while I did my monthly check of energy consumption

I went for a walk late morning. It was glorious, with bubbly clouds decorating the horizon and a comfortable temperature for striding out. I stopped off at the school to give Ellie her ear spray, then headed home for a light lunch.

After lunch, with no clouds in the sky, we sat in the Orangery with our Kindles and made the most of such a lovely day.

We collected Ellie and she got on with her homework and then worked on her project (making a shield). It's is almost finished and we should be able to take it into class tomorrow.

Diane's new iPad arrived late afternoon. I could fire it up and transfer her old iPad across while I was preparing dinner. I'm very impressed with the speed and clarity of the device. I need to find a suitable case and keyboard, but that's a task for another day.

After dinner, we both went back to the Orangery for a while to enjoy the warm evening.

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