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Friday, May 17, 2024


 The day started (thank goodness). Ellie arrived soon after 07:00 and was immediately glued to the iPad I had prepared for her. There was more to do, but she was eager to learn the email, the messaging, and the Facetime apps. By the time we took her to school, our message systems had been swamped with messages from Ellie! I suspect we will regret this.

After dropping Ellie off at school, I spent the morning getting the keyboard working and configuring the educational apps so that she could use them for her homework.

Late in the morning, I went for a walk, again stopping off at the school to give Ellie her ear spray. After lunch, I continued my search for a suitable keyboard for the iPad. This involved online chats with an AI system and eventually, a human! Keyboards were found, but the Logitech site would not let me order them.

I collected Ellie from school and she rushed home to experiment with her iPad.

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