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Saturday, May 25, 2024

A theme

 We woke to glorious sunshine. It was a typical Saturday, leisurely start, breakfast, and my weekly call with the cousins. There was little to report from the call, though Red Tim had to sign off early to go campaigning.

I paid a call on Wickes for a masonry brush and some blue Cuprinol wood stain. The concrete planter on one side of the garden was in need of a coat of paint. The paint, I had. A suitable brush, not so. I changed into suitable work clothes, applied a good coat of the appropriate masonry paint, and then left it to dry. While the sun was baking the paint, I cleared the filaments of blanket weed from the rill. This took ages and had to be done by hand. I had tried to listen to my audiobook on the AirPods while clearing the weed but only succeeded in dropping one of the AirPods into the rill. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have done any harm. Several kilograms of weed later, the rill was clear.

Meanwhile, still on the theme of paint, Diane wanted to paint the wooden shells I had built to put around various pots. We put down dust sheets and found trestles on which these units could stand while she covered them in the blue Cuprinol stain. It didn't take her too long and all of today's painting has come out very well.

I spent some time with the Kindle this afternoon but swapped back to the AirPods and audiobook when it was time to start on dinner.

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