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Friday, May 24, 2024


There was a problem at Sainsbury's yesterday evening. As a result, Zoe had to go to work and so Ellie came round to stay with us overnight. We were both up and about before Ellie emerged from her bedroom. Zoe came around in time to join us on the walk to school.

After breakfast, we had a busy hour or so. Di had to do her INR tests and then we had to go to the surgery for further blood tests for each of us. For Di, this was a further INR test to check the calibration of her home testing machine. The calibration check was fine, so it only needs a further check in December.

From the surgery, we headed to SpecSavers (in Sainsbury's). Our new glasses were ready for fitting. With several pairs each, this took a little while but we left with our arms full of glasses that should be perfect for the next couple of years.

We had some Kindle time after lunch but then had to prepare for the "Colour Run". This was an event arranged by the Friends of Bartons (a parents' association for Ellie's school). The idea was that participants would run around a marked course and have paint powder hurled at them. It was a fundraising event and entirely voluntary for the children. 

Ellie had decided that she would do it, so we took her goggles along (they were mandatory) and at the allotted time she lined up to start the course. Grandpa, wearing his diving mask, decided that he should join in. The whistle went and 15 minutes later Ellie was splattered with some paint powder and I looked like a walking Jackson Pollock painting. It was great fun. Diane remained well clear and acted as a photographer for the family participation.

After it was over we headed home, still covered in paint powder. I'm convinced I was being targeted! Ellie went straight upstairs for a bath and hair wash and I headed for the shower to try and remove the rather fetching colours from my hair, and every other nook and cranny the powder had found.

Pete came along soon after 16:00 and collected Ellie for the weekend.

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