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Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 I whizzed around to Zoe's to participate in the morning walk to school. Ellie was a lot better this morning and eager to get into class.

Back home I grabbed breakfast and then pottered around the house before updating the accounts. Late morning I set off for a walk, catching up on the audiobook that I haven't touched for a couple of weeks. I stopped off at Ellie's school just before their lunch so that I could apply her ear spray (the school are not permitted to do this). It took all of 5 seconds.

After lunch and the usual Kindle hour (or so), I went to collect Ellie. She had some homework to complete and was, at first, a little truculent. Once I had explained how to do the homework she got on with it and, on a roll, continued with handwriting exercises, and school project work with Nana. There was no stopping her.

A couple thoughts aligned...  Diane's iPad was short of space, and Ellie's "Surface" was giving trouble and wouldn't retain its charge, nor upgrade to Windows 11. I then accidentally ordered Diane a new iPad with the thought that we could recycle the old one for Ellie - both problems were solved.

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