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Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 It was a cooler, greyer start to the day. There was no sign of blue sky and the temperature seemed very cool after the last few days. Ellie was dropped off for breakfast and to prepare for school. We walked her to class and then headed home for breakfast.

While Diane cleared some ironing, I headed out for a walk with another audiobook playing through the AirPods. I stuck to the immediate neighbourhood for most of the route but did venture down North Bersted Street. The flooding had finally subsided and I was able to cross the bypass and carry on towards Shripney. I only got so far, however, as I stumbled into a film shoot. Rather than disrupt them (they did wave me through), I turned back and retraced my steps.

After lunch and Kindle hour, I headed back out for another brief walk before collecting Ellie from school. She was clearly tired when I met her. She was very quiet and didn't ask to stop at the park on the way home. When we did get in however, she wanted to play with her science set. We covered the table in a protective cloth and retrieved the instructions before setting about performing several experiments from the instruction book. It was great fun and not too messy. Whilst the first experiment failed (it was meant to show how liquids of different densities can lay ontop of each other without mixing - well they did mix) the other two were moderately successful.

Yesterday I ordered a keyboard/case for my new iPad. It dropped through the letterbox late in the afternoon. I've connected it to the iPad and it looks very good - I only hope that it works better and lasts longer than the last Apple keyboard I had on an iPad.

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