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Sunday, May 19, 2024


We woke up to a glorious day. No clouds dared to sully the azure blue of the sky above this part of Sussex. After a cup of tea and a bowl of porridge, I donned my sunhat and sunglasses and headed for the beach.

I parked at West Field and set off for a walk along the promenade. A few distant clouds ensured that we were shielded from France.

I was surprised that there were not more people about. There were kids playing on the beach and a few sailors preparing their boats for launch, but the promenade was fairly quiet.

I carried on past the pier and on past Butlins and The Lobster Pot. The pipes that had interrupted the route for the last few months had finally gone. No detours were necessary.

The path, which had been covered in shingle and stones during my last walk, was now clear and I carried on eastwards to the Summerlee Estate where, at the 2.5 mile mark I turned and headed back.

It was a lovely 80-minute walk by the time I returned to the car.

Back home, Diane was about to hit the garden. I helped out with the leaf vacuum and cleared the well-dried leaves from the bottom of the garden. Di pottered on with some dead-heading, general tidying, watering, and so forth.

After some lunch, we sat in the Orangery with our books.

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