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Thursday, May 30, 2024


 It has been a day of sunshine and heavy showers. After breakfast, my first activity was to scrape and replace the decorative silicon sealer from beneath the bifold doors in the Orangery. The old sealer had failed in a few places and we were starting to see some ants come to join our Kindle sessions. It didn't take long to sort out and it seems to have done the trick.

We headed to Sainsbury's for our weekly shop after dropping off some bags at the charity shop. Sainsbury's seemed to have been swallowed in some form of time warp. It was full of shuffling souls wandering around with no apparent purpose. Technology had failed. We actually had to load our trolleys, unable to scan and pack as we went about our shop. It was like stepping back into the Victorian era. Certainly, many of the shoppers would remember Her Majesty well. With our trolley bursting at the seams we queued for a till. Yes, can you believe it? We actually had to go through a till and pack our shopping as it emerged on the conveyor. It was like a theme park showing how people used to shop in the old days.

We had the usual Kindle time this afternoon as we alternated between lovely sunshine and torrential showers.

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