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Sunday, May 12, 2024


 Sunday has been a day of nothing. I have done nothing or almost nothing.

Zoe came to see us mid-morning. We used the time to book our flights to Turkey in the summer. As a follow-on, I set up my notes folder for the trip, including packing lists, things to do, a summary of the holiday, and flight bookings for all of us (except ~Jon and Kim who had already booked their travel).

Other than that, the day has been quiet with the exception of the visual flipping of digital pages on my latest Kindle books (another one finished today, and one started).

When Ellie got back from Pete's there was some concern over skin blemishes so Diane had to go and take a look. We are still not sure what it is, but she is a bit uptight so we will have to keep an eye on her this week.

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