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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

More grey

 Today was even more overcast than yesterday and we had light showers on and off from lunchtime onwards. Apparently, Zoe hadn't been feeling too well last night and went to bed very early. Ellie was eager to tell us this with a message as soon as we got up. I wandered around to take her to school and Zoe had obviously benefitted from the good night's sleep as she was much better this morning.

After breakfast, I completed some domestic chores and then headed out for a walk before the forecast rain set in. I headed along the old North Bersted Street, across the bypass and up towards Shripney. I went a fair bit further than yesterday before turning back.

Di had an appointment with the doctor soon after lunch but we got some Kindle-time before she went to join Zoe on the school pick-up. She also had a long telephone chat with Denise while I was preparing dinner. 

Not much else to report.

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