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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sky Fall

 We woke to another glorious morning. There was a quite a breeze, but the sun was warm and the sky blue.

Diane wanted to finish painting the garden pot covers, so we set up her paint station and she went to work with the paintbrush. When that was finished, she applied some feed to the Acers before pottering for an hour or so and then went to Zoe’s to advise on her planting scheme.

Meanwhile, I tried to find a solution to a problem we have been having with the SKY-Q box and MiniBox. The SKY-Q box has been failing on a regular basis. It sounds as if a jet engine has fired up and it is totally unresponsive. Occasionally, this happens while we are watching, but usually when it is in “standby” mode. Powering off and back on solves the problem until next time. After much reading, I concluded the first thing to try is a full software update. That took about 10 minutes. Then I looked at the various network settings - which appeared to be fine. SKY-Q was fired up and now we will have to wait and see. The MiniBox was less straightforward. This has not connected successfully for several months. After various checks, I concluded that it needed a complete reset and then I would join it back to the SKY-Q. This took several attempts but eventually it worked and all seems to be well.

I went for a brief walk before lunch and settled down for Kindle time during the afternoon.

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