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Monday, May 27, 2024

Bank Holiday

It wasn't so bright this morning. In fact, we had a brief shower during breakfast and it looked threatening every now and then. By lunchtime, it had brightened up considerably and we had a lovely afternoon.

After breakfast, I started the chores by steam cleaning the hard floors downstairs.  I have this down to a fine art; it was all finished and dry by the time Diane returned downstairs. I took the opportunity to finish one audiobook while doing this and started on a new one. With the new book chatting away in my ears, I headed out for a quick walk (hoping to avoid any showers). I was not the only one. As I walked an anticlockwise circuit I passed a woman walking clockwise. I thought nothing of it until our paths crossed three more times as we walked in opposite directions.

I arrived home in time for lunch. I had decided on Okonomiyaki. This is a Japanese cabbage omelette/pancake that I saw on a TV show several years ago. I looked up the recipe and gave it a whirl. I must say it was delicious, and I will certainly do it again. The original recipe used ordinary green cabbage but I only had red cabbage. It wasn't quite as enticing to look at as the recipe online but next time I'll try with green or white cabbage.

We had some Kindle time during the afternoon... a Facetime call from Ellie, and a flying visit from Zoe.

Well, that's the Bank Holiday over. Back to work... oh no, I forgot, I've retired. Every day is a Bank Holiday.

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