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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Wet and windy

 It was very windy overnight. Unfortunately, the wind was loud enough on the back of the house to disturb Ellie. So it is that we've all been awake since about 3:30. AT one point we brough her into bed with us, but she's like a Mexican jumping bean, and fidgets and wriggles the whole time. She may have dropped off, but we certainly didn't.

Urban-Cub was on the early shift this morning, so she missed most of the fun.

By the time we did get up, it was thrashing down with rain. The idea of walking Ellie to Dizzy Ducklings didn't bubble to the top of our "wouldn't it be fun to..." list. We drove her round, then came home to settle down with some strong coffee and the papers.

The Silver Vixen had her Zoom Pilates scheduled for the morning, so the Gorse Fox retired to the study. He was randomly ruminating on different things when he started to think about Lotus Approach and Microsoft Access. They were such useful database applications providing for design, reporting, GUIs, and an underlying database. Why, he thought, does he not have something equivalent on his MACs. Google pointed him at several products that could, loosely, be described as alternatives. He started to read up on these choices. In the end, he found that something called NINOX appears to be a very thorough and fully featured solution. He watched a few of the YouTube videos and was quite impressed. All of the was an entirely intellectual exercise as he hasn't actually got any current requirement or project that might need such a tool.

The Gorse Fox should report on his progress with the "Notes" app on the Mac platforms. The more he has used it, the more he finds that it is really an excellent tool and provides just about everything he wanted such a tool. He has also introduced it to Urban-Cub. She is now becoming hooked and  was absolutely amazed to find that  she could use it as a scanner.

Ten more huge and heavy boxes arrived today. These are the components for Ellie's bed for the new house. Having seen how many components there are, the Gorse Fox expects it will take a good few hours to construct.

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