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Thursday, January 07, 2021


 It was cold overnight. There was a hard frost and the pavements were quite slippery when Urban-Cub and the Gorse Fox took Ellie to Dizzy Ducklings.

The rest of the day has been fairly quiet. Urban-Cub had to go into work at lunchtime and won't be back until after we're in bed tonight.

Simon the Landscaper couldn't lay any tiles at first - the temperature was too low. He used the time to get the first few lights installed. They look very good and it will be nice to see it all finished. As the day warmed up, he switched back to the tiling. The last few tiles are now in place, though there is a small area - which we hadn't expected to tile - that he is trying to find sufficient off-cuts to tile anyway. The Gorse Fox still isn't convinced he'll finish this week, but the overrun will probably be no more than a day.

We collected Ellie from Dizzy Ducklings. She had insisted on riding her bike home, but only got about 50 metres down the road before she fell off while trying to get up a small ramp. She caught her knee and decided that was enough. No more bike for her today. The Gorse Fox had to wheel it home while the Silver Vixen comforted Ellie and held he hand all the way home.

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