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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Rest day

 Now many of you may look at the title and think, "Hold On! He's retired. Every day's a rest day". That is true. The title refers to his walks. It was a foul and wet morning, which didn't exactly encourage outdoor exercise. In fact Urban-Cub took Ellie to Dizzy Ducklings by car, because it was so wet. The Gorse Fox does, nevertheless, have waterproof gear and could have ventured out. He had decided overnight that today would be a rest day. He had been woken by some discomfort in his knee which lingered until he got up and about. It seemed eminently sensible to give it a rest today.

Much of the day has been spent preparing for the catalogue of DIY jobs that the Gorse Fox will have to perform when Urban-Cub takes ownership of her new house, at the end of next week. What equipment would be needed? What tools? Is there anything that he will need to acquire in the interim? Slowly the checklist built up. He has also started reading the installation instructions for various blinds, curtain poles, TV wall mounts, and so forth. There's nothing like being prepared!

The rest of the afternoon has been spent reading a book on Maths: "Humble Pi: A Comedy of Maths Errors". It's been an excellent read so far, though the Gorse Fox is nearing the end. Some of the examples given in the book make you want to slap your head and ask how people can be so dumb. One of the best quotes is "Excel is a spreadsheet, not a database" - and from the Gorse Fox's professional life he can confirm that in many government departments that fact is not understood. 

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