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Saturday, January 30, 2021


 It was a bit wet and windy, but we had slept well and were in no hurry to get going. In then it was nearly 8 before the Gorse Fox wandered down for some coffee. While contemplating the day, it dawned on him that a template would be useful to locate the position of the curtain pole supports. Raiding the piles of cardboard (did you know that there is a National cardboard shortage?... well we know where it is!) he grabbed suitable sheet and with the help of some measuring, some geometry, and a Stanley knife he soon had the template cut to size.

The Gorse Fox wandered round the corner and was greeted at the door by Ellie. She had slept well and woken at a very suitable time. Urban-Cub and the Gorse Fox discussed the plan and he got straight down to work. Using the template and his own wall-plugs (those supplied were, as usual, absolutely useless) he had the poles up in about 15 minutes a piece. It was about then that the Silver Vixen arrived with her trolley full of freezer food and other items that Urban-Cub had left at our house. As they put that away she then started work helping Urban-Cub get her bedroom sorted out before starting on the curtains. The Coventry Hobbit arrived and went up to start on one of the cabinets for Ellie’s bedroom, and the Gorse Fox put together and IKEA unit for the lounge. It was a hive of activity.

Urban-Cub had decided that the ladder that enables Ellie to get into and out of bed was at the wrong end of the bed. We swapped it over then the Coventry Hobbit and Gorse Fox got on with constructing the chest of drawers. (Cousteau-Cub was looking after Ellie throughout this).

We were rudely interrupted by the smoke alarm bursting into life. It took a while to switch off (we didn’t find the reset switch until later). This happened a couple of times and scared the hell out all of us. In the end an emergency electrician was called and the alarms disabled until Monday when the builders will send in a “sparky” to check it all out.

Everyone was pretty tired, and Ellie was definitely finding all of the excitement a bit too much. We called it a day by five o’clock. There’s still a lot to do, but that can be spread over the next few days.

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