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Sunday, January 10, 2021

Risk Averse and Safety First

 After the experience we had last year regarding the refund of our monies for the cancelled Jamaica trip, we had been discussing the forthcoming cruise. In the end we concluded that it would be sensible to reduce our risks, both health-wise and money-wise, by deferring the cruise until 2022. J&T had reached a similar conclusion. After a Zoom call, we had a plan. T would contact the cruise people and arrange the deferment. We would then, individually, book into an hotel near St Austell for the time we would have been on the cruise. The plan seems to be going well. Cruise booking is shifted and the hotel booking is confirmed.

It was very cold again last night. The Gorse Fox left it until late morning before venturing out for a walk. He didn't even manage half a kilometre. Now, the Gorse Fox is very steady on his feet, has good balance, used to ice skate, and isn't unduly troubled by the odd bit of ice or frost. The pavements, however, were so icy that he wasn't willing to risk it, and even if it was clear down at the promenade, he has a 3km walk to get there. Hopefully, he can make up for it during the week as the temperatures are set to rise.

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