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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Wet and dry

 Parts of the country have suffered from snow again today. We had some rain overnight and that rolled on into the morning. Urban-Cub had to take Ellie across to Pistol Pete, and while she was out, the Gorse Fox nipped round to Sainsbury's for a few essentials that had been out of stock with Ocado. The Gorse Fox was pleased to see that everyone was behaving and wearing masks, and with one exception, everyone was shopping alone.

The rain dried up and during the afternoon the sun came out. The Silver Vixen and Urban-Cub were busy in the Orangery sorting out Ellie's toys (which ones stay here, and which ones go to the new house). The Gorse Fox helped make some space by putting the boxes of Xmas decorations away (now that he could get to the back of the garage). He then spent some time on the web reading up on the various places that our 2022 cruise is scheduled to visit. He made copious notes and shared them with J&T when he was finished.

He did manage to go out for a walk during the afternoon. He was only out for about 40 minutes, but it was nice to get some exercise. He does feel the urge to do some programming, but at this stage he has no particular project in mind.

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