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Sunday, January 31, 2021


 Roller Blinds are the Nemesis of the Gorse Fox. He hates them. It's not that they don't look nice. They do. It's the problems you encounter when mounting them. The roller blind for Ellie's room was a case in point. The instructions clearly show the blind's brackets attached to the window frame. Well, modern houses have plastic frames and the Gorse Fox is not going to trust screws into that. An alternative is to screw the bracket into the top of the window recess. Like most modern houses, this has a steel lintel the other ide of the plasterboard, and too close to successfully use a plug. In the end, the Gorse Fox had to get a block of wood, screw that into the wall, and screw the bracket into the wood. This took an inordinate amount of time but was finally completed successfully. (When we bought our house in Hook, back in 1985, the builder had inserted a piece of wood beneath the lintel and behind the plasterboard so that you could easily fix curtains and so forth. Genius idea, but unfortunately not replicated through the years).

Once the roller blind was up, the Gorse Fox then started on reconstructing Ellie's wardrobe. It was a bit of a jigsaw puzzle but it slowly started to make sense. It wasn't easy, and at times Urban-cub and the Silver Vixen were both helping as we maneuvered the carcass up and round and tried to refit all the dowels and locknuts into the right places. Finally, it was done. Urban-cub and the Silver Vixen tidied things away, and we headed home. There's still a list of things to do, but we'll work through them during the week. 

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