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Wednesday, January 27, 2021


The Gorse Fox thinks that "dreich" sums up today's weather. It was milder than the previous few days, but it was dull, misty, and damp. It was also and early start. For some reason, best known to herself, Ellie was wide awake around 5:00 this morning. She played moderately quietly in he room but occasionally called out to Urban-Cub for one reason or t'other. At the allotted time, (when the light on her clock turned green) she charged out of her bedroom informing all in the house that she could "get up now".

Urban-Cub and the Gorse Fox took her round to Dizzy Ducklings before returning home for our own breakfast and coffee. The morning was filled with lots of little jobs: a little vacuuming,  a little modification to the rods in the Roman blind, a little consolidation of the tools the Gorse Fox will need for Friday, a little of this, and a little of that.

Urban-Cub and the Silver Vixen collected Ellie from Dizzy Ducklings, then Urban-Cub took Ellie to "her" store over at Whiteley. She has lots of basic shopping to get for the house and by going to "her" store she can make use of the staff discount, and introduce Ellie to her co-workers. It sounds as if it was very successful and that Ellie made a lot of new friends.

The Silver Vixen made the most of the quiet afternoon, sitting and reading in the lounge. The Gorse Fox retired to the study and completed the lesson on "Views" for Ninox before using the new knowledge to create a view in the database he has been building. He's very pleased with the outcome, and Urban-Cub seemed happy when she saw it.

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