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Sunday, March 01, 2020

That's Better

It seemed strange having the house to ourselves this morning. The Gorse Fox headed out for his Sunday morning football and the Silver Vixen stayed put in splendid isolation.

Football went well. The Gorse Fox thinks this was only the second win of the year. The score became a bit of a blur, but he thinks it was about 10-7. For a change, he managed to get on the score sheet with 4 goals, one of which was a penalty. Shame he wasn't playing for Spurs this afternoon!

The Silver Vixen has spent the afternoon snuggled up to her sewing machine while the Gorse Fox has been a) reviewing possible sightseeing tours for the Norwegian Cruise in 2021, and b) doing some more work on the photobook for 1995-99. Both were great fun, but now it's time to finish cooking dinner. All data is saved and checked!

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