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Friday, March 27, 2020


The Gorse Fox was delighted with the neighbourhood response to "Clap for the NHS" event last night. Virtually all the houses in the Crescent participated and in the distance we could hear cheering and clapping from all over the estate. At this strange time it is important that we thank those who are taking care of the sick and let them know that their sacrifice and their efforts are appreciated.

Yet another lovely bright day today. With Urban-Cub at home, the Silver Vixen was able to spend a bit more time in the garden. As Ellie now has her own gardening gloves, she was keen to get involved and help. It was sweet watching her wander round and drag the little kneeler with her. The Silver Vixen obviously supervised throughout the process.

The Gorse Fox spent some more time compiling the photo book. All of 2003 is now in place and he's made a start on 2004. Another hour or so and he should be ready to send it off for printing. Today, however, he is going a bit boss-eyed with it all, so will finish it tomorrow.

The Gorse Fox observes that it is perfectly reasonable for people to take exercise once a day, or to take their dog for a walk. He got together with Ellie and has come up with a plan.

We now have a dog to walk and won't have to worry about a pooper-scooper.

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