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Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Two in a Row


I walked around to Zoe's to accompany her and Ellie on the school run. Then, instead of going straight home, headed off on a short walk before breakfast. It was a little grey, but it wasn't cold. 

I wandered through the estate and looped back past the lake as I dodged numerous dog walkers and pram pushers. I wasn't out for long, but it was a nice set-up for breakfast.

Diane had an appointment at the dentist, so headed into Chichester, leaving Jasper in charge. We had arranged for Lottie, the nice lady who cleans for Zoe, to come in and help us. Today was her first visit and, with Diane out, it was left to Jasper and I to pass on all the various messages as she arrived and got started. She was an absolute delight and did a superb job. We just hope that we can get a regular weekly slot in her schedule.

We hope to make more use of the Orangery in the Winter months than we have in the past. With this in mind, I spent some time researching electric radiators (we already have underfloor electric heating, but it isn't really man enough for the job by itself). I finally selected a radiator that I hope will be suitable and have ordered that. If it turns out to be successful, I will order a second one; one for each end of the room.

After some Kindle time in the afternoon, I headed out for another walk while Diane washed her hair, ready to go back out this evening. Yes, that's right, two nights in a row. You'd almost think we had a life!

We headed for Southampton. The traffic was very slow around Portsmouth, but we arrived in plenty of time. We had tickets to see Frank Skinner at the Mayflower Theatre. We arrived just after the doors opened and made our way to the bar, where sat down with a coffee and Dine got chatting to a lady (ex-Nurse) who was a fellow "Strictly" fan. They expounded on the rights and wrongs of various aspects of the show and its dancers while I drank my coffee.

In the auditorium, our seats were in the 5th row and afforded us a brilliant view. The show started with a warm-up comedian called Steve Hall. Though we had never heard of him, he was very funny and had been around for about 20 years or so. There was a brief interval at the end of his set, and then Frank Skinner came on to rapturous applause. His show would probably have given a maiden aunt an attack of the vapours but did seem to stay on just inside a fine line. I must say that we laughed solidly for the next 90 minutes or so. 

We filed out of the theatre and back to the car. Google seemed to choose a strange route to guide us home, suggesting we would arrive at 22:45. The route was quite good and avoided the roadworks on the M27... and we arrived home on the dot of 22:45. It's a clever little system.

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