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Thursday, October 03, 2024

Stone Age

 There was no pressing need to get going this morning. After a leisurely coffee, I wandered around to Zoe's to accompany the girls on the school run. Then, with Ellie safely in class, I headed off for a walk before breakfast.

We were expecting delivery of a new radiator during the morning and the timeslot was a 4-hour window (which wasn't very helpful). We had shopping to fetch so in the end, we asked Ian if he would accept the parcel if it arrived while we were out. We headed off to Sainsbury's where we faced a Zombie Apocalypse. I can understand how people suddenly lose it and go berserk. I somehow managed to complete the shop without ramming anyone, but did at one point say quite loudly, "I'm going to get out of the way because nobody else has the manners to do so".

FedEx arrived soon after we got home and our new radiator was swiftly unpacked and set up. It has many nice features, but at the moment I am concentrating on the "Frost" setting which will fire it up if the temperature drops overnight. I'll worry about the other settings as we go.

I took another walk after lunch and then settled down until it was time to collect Ellie. She was full of the joys of Spring (yes, I know it's Autumn). Back home she worked with Nana on a project to show how a stone age girl might dress. I helped out with some drawings of teeth that she could form out of clay and then found some illustrations of stone-age clothing. As I write they are in Nana's study working to make a model they can dress.

I was pleased to receive a call yesterday evening from "Sir" Richard. He confirmed that as long as the water from the recent flooding downstream from Bedford had subsided around his home, he would be coming to the Band of Brothers lunch on Tuesday. I was sad to hear, however, that he was unexpectedly single after his wife walked out. I decided to take no chances and locked Diane in the Orangery; I never forget what a lucky man I really am.

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