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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Fall Back

 In theory, we got an extra hour in bed as the clocks went back last night. The theory is all very fine but doesn't necessarily apply to my body clock which insisted that I woke at the usual time. I managed to stay in bed for a little while but as I started to fidget, I decided to get up rather than disturb Diane. An hour or so later, she emerged and we settled down to breakfast and the overnight news.

It was while we were reading the news that we heard a huge bang and Diane went to check what had happened. An Audi S3 car, driving past our house had been t-boned by an Audi Q3 SUV coming up the Boulevard. Fortunately, nobody was hurt but the A3 was severely damaged. The Q3 driver hadn't even tried to turn the wheels and just ploughed into the A3. It all seemed a bit dodgy when the brother of the SUV driver turned up and offered to pay cash for the A3 there and then. After the exchange of details and lots of photos, the Q3 drove off, leaving the elderly couple with the A3 to wait for recovery. (The police were not interested as nobody was hurt). After a while, I took them a cup of tea and they commented that they thought she was on the phone and were hoping their dashcam footage would show what had happened.

After some domestic chores, I went out for a gentle walk. I managed about 4km without too much discomfort, though my knee did give me a few wobbles. I stuck fairly close to home, looping around the lake and through Willows Edge. The sun was bright and the temperature was very comfortable in the mid-teens. It was ideal walking weather.

After lunch, I noticed that our crash victims had obviously been collected and the car removed. We settled down for some Kindle time before I started preparation for tonight's dinner.

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