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Wednesday, October 23, 2024


 I was up early, though there was no pressing need to greet the day. After some coffee and a romp through the news, I walked around to Zoe's and joined the walk to school. Back home, I settled down for breakfast as Diane collected her things and headed off to Angmering for her Pilates session.

I completed some admin and then headed off for a walk. The rough plan was to take a long zig-zag route around the neighbourhood. My audiobook played in my ears as I deliberately avoided any noisy roads. Unfortunately, as I approached the farthest point, my knee started to trouble me. It wasn't too painful, but it was uncomfortable and I was concerned that it might be the start of something more unpleasant. It wasn't the joint itself, it seemed to be the ligament at the front of the knee. I slowed my pace and took a direct route home. Once I was back and just pottering around the house, the discomfort disappeared. I decided to try a shorter walk later in the day.

After lunch, we settled down for some Kindle time. My current Kindle book is "police procedural" (as the Americans call it) which takes place in and around Chichester. This makes the book seem quite real as the author includes local roads, sites, villages, and landscapes.

Di headed off to join Zoe and collect Ellie from school. I used this as an opportunity to take a short walk. It was clear that the knee was still giving trouble so I only managed a single lap of the lake.

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