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Saturday, October 12, 2024


 We had a very leisurely start to the day. There was no hurry to do anything, though I did have my weekly Zoom call with my cousins. This was fun, as usual, and Tim, who was clearly suffering from a cold, flu, or Covid, got no sympathy whatsoever. In fact, he was teased mercilessly - as is only right in such circumstances.

After the call, we had to head downtown. We had appointments for our Covid jabs. This turned into a bit of a palaver. The centre normally can accommodate 250 jabs in the morning and 250 in the afternoon. However, maintenance work had reduced the usable space in half so we were queued around the surgery and down the stairs. The centralised booking system had not taken the reduced capacity into account. In fact, they had left the system open for too long and the centre actually had 900 people booked in for the day. They were trying their best, but it was chaotic.

When we got home, the rain that had plagued the start of the morning had stopped and the sun had shown its face. More rain was forecast so I thought I'd make the most of the dry spell and take a walk. By the time I arrived back home, I was within 10 minutes of the end of my latest audiobook. I grabbed some lunch and settled down to listen to the end. I must now select my next audiobook before I start my next walk.

With the audiobook finished, I switched over to the Kindle for a quiet afternoon.  We had some torrential rain for a while, which made me grateful that I hadn't gone to watch Bognor Football Club's game. This had been a plan for a while, but I was concerned the rain may set in - boy! was I right.

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