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Friday, October 04, 2024


Ellie had stayed with us overnight. She was awake early, but at least we didn't have to get up. When we finally did emerge, I made coffee and tea and prepared an apple juice. Ellie's class had an out today so the dress code was fairly relaxed... but had to be warm.

After dropping Ellie at school we headed back for breakfast and the opportunity to read the news. After a suitable pause, I headed out for a walk grasping my old router so that I could drop it at the Post Office and return it to EE. I was out for about an hour and demolished a bit more of the current audiobook.

After lunch, we had some Kindle time before heading out to collect Ellie from school. Ellie wanted to go to the park, but Diane went straight home as she had to prepare to take Jasper to the Vet. Ellie played for a while but was very good and came immediately when I called "time'". As we were walking back, Ellie told me about her outing to Butser Hill Farm. She really enjoyed it and had the opportunity to make stone-age jewellery, make some pots, and even start a fire by rubbing sticks together.

Once home, she decided she wanted to go to the Vet with Diane (and Jasper). Off they went, and Diane dropped her home at Zoe's on the way back.

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