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Saturday, July 30, 2022


 It has been another lovely summer's day. The temperatures have been in the mid 20s and there has been some occasional cloud.

We received a new floor steamer yesterday. (The old steam cleaner had packed up). The Gorse Fox spent an hour or so this morning steam cleaning the hall and kitchen floors. This was very successful and much better than the 'Flash" mop that we had been using. One of the features of this new cleaner is that it can be used (with a special fitment) on carpet. The Gorse Fox decided to attack several carpet stains that had eluded other cleaning methods. He can now confidently report that they has also eluded steam cleaning. In fact, they may have got worse! Oh well, that's a problem for another day.

The Gorse Fox also found that there was an update for the Skoda's SatNav which he could download and apply. Pah! So they say!

Following the instructions, he download the 26GB update to to the Windows machine. Then he tried to unzip it and copy it to an SD. Four hours later it was still predicting 15 hours to complete the copy. He switch to the Mac. The whole process took 15 minutes. He went down to the car and tried the update. The car couldn't identify the update, He tried again (on the Mac). Same results. In the end, after faffing around fro several hours, he decided that he wouldn't bother. He could walk to most places in Great Britain quicker than the Skoda update would complete.

The last hour or so of the afternoon was spent sitting in the garden, reading. Another book finished, and yet another book starter

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