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Friday, July 15, 2022


 It was a little cooler today. It was still beautifully warm, but not quite as intense as the past few day. A few clouds punctuated the clear clear blue of the sky, but none dared cast a shadow near us. The Gorse Fox wandered round to Urban-Cub to accompany her and Ellie to school.

Once home he sat and enjoyed a quiet breakfast wit the Silver Vixen. Fed and watered, the Silver Vixen started on a cleaning whirlwind. The Gorse Fox headed for the study to catch up on the accounts.

Cousteau-Cub, who is currently on sick-leave, went round to Urban-Cub's. It was just to get a change of scenery, but having the back door key doesn't help when Urban-Cub has left the key in the inside of the lock. The Gorse Fox had to go round and open things up. At least it gave hime time to stand and chat with Cousteau-Cub.

The afternoon started with 90 minutes reading before we had to collect Ellie. Another book bit the dust and as the Gorse Fox moved on to the second book in the relevant series.

We collected `Ellie from school. She is staying overnight and is currently in the bath under the Silver Vixen's watchful eye.

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