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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Budding Sportsperson

 Ellie was wide awake by 6:10. The problem was that we were not. We provided her with some ideas and dispatched her back to her bedroom. To be fair, she pretty much stayed put until the Gorse Fox got up at 6:50. Once she was fed, washed, dressed and ready for school she and the Gorse Fox went through her phonics red words until it was time for school (For the uninitiated, red words are those that cannot be split into their phonic components easily... e.g. was, yours, and so forth).

Once Ellie was at school we sat down for coffee and breakfast and waited for Ocado to deliver. We then headed off to Sainsbury's for the top-up and a 15 minute chat with Old Bill and Lady Penelope who we bumped into in the pasta aisle. He has been declared cancer-free but still needs to have his gall bladder removed. It was a huge relied to us all.

Back home, the Silver Vixen got on with some ironing while the Gorse Fox returned to the code for managing the digital home phone's directory. It took a couple of experiments but the Gorse Fox soon had the incantation and accompanying rules right. The phone now has a valid phone directory sourced from Google contacts.

Thew afternoon was spent reading. 

Urban-Cub called on the way back from Ellie's swimming lesson. She had just gout her certificate and been promoted to the next level. In doing so, she had swum a width on her front - and come first in the class. As the Silver Vixen, Cousteau-Cub, Urban-Cub, and the Gorse Fox are all good swimmers, this was something we are very proud of and made sure that we told her. This adds to her performance at the school sports day  (while the Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen were away in Cornwall). Ellie came 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the races in which she was involved. It is great to see that she has such athletic prowess as the the Gorse Fox believes that sport is a great discipline and an outlet for stress. As such it is great for your overall mental health.

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