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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Parallel Dimension

The day started much as usual. Then it dawned on the Gorse Fox that, in a parallel dimension, where COVID-19 isn't ravaging the planet, the Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen would be heading up to Gatwick today. We would stay at an airport hotel and then, tomorrow, fly off to Jamaica for a couple of weeks. There are times that inter-dimensional transport to alternate universes seems quite appealing.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the Silver Vixen had her Zoom Pilates session this morning, Urban-Cub had several conference calls and went to post a parcel with Ellie, only to find that particular type of parcel cannot be returned through that Post Office. The Gorse Fox continued to plug away at the "tawnyowl" and "barnowl" to ensure everything was working as he wanted. This was important as mounting the NAS devices via "/etc/fstab" proved problematic on this lates release. In the end he developed a script that could run as service and be controlled by "systemd". It took a while to get right, but it now works. What he does need to do is refine it so it runs regularly, but at, say, hourly intervals.

On another note, the Gorse Fox ran the RexxCPS routine yesterday to measure the speed of Rexx on "barnowl". It was very impressive and reported 1858751 Rexx clauses per second

Tonight we will be experimenting with a version of Butter Chicken, using coconut milk instead of cream. The Gorse Fox is intrigued to know how this will turn out.

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