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Sunday, May 17, 2020

And cut!

The Gorse Fox has spent much of the day at the computer (go on, tell him you are surprised). This, however, was a bit of a change. He spent several hours working on some old video that had been put together by The Bishop. He had some clunky old technology that played cine film onto a screen that was being captured by a computer. The whole process was both complicated, and very inaccurate. The Gorse Fox decided to resist the captured data and see if he could tidy up the output.

It's funny how quickly you forget. Considering that The Gorse Fox spent a lot of time earlier this year working wit the Ca Vinci video editing suite, he had forgotten how to use it when he fired it up. The first task today was to go back to YouTube and  refresh his memory on the basics. (Fortunately, he doesn't need any of the more esoteric editing features or techniques). Finally, he was ready to start editing and after a couple of false starts he has now created a new version (a reboot?) of the original. He's quite pleased with the outcome.

There are several more videos to analyse and to edit, but with the current lockdown, there's no real hurry.

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