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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Feeling chuffed

The Gorse Fox is feeling rather chuffed.

As is usual, he checked the various accounts this morning. All was as expected, at first. Then he got to the Premium Bonds and found that both he and the Silver Vixen had won this month. Not a lot, but yet another win. (We do seem to win something, between us, very month). Then he moved on to check Barclaycard (ever since he had a rogue transaction on a credit card a couple of years ago, he checks them daily). He was confused there were a number of unexpected transactions in the bagging area! At first he was concerned. Then it dawned on him that they were payments to the account, not from the account. The little bell rang in his addled mind. Barclaycard had refunded the money for the FlyBe airline tickets we had booked for Edinburgh. That's not a bad start to the day.

Most of the morning was spent doing a few household chores and keeping Ellie amused. She had been under the weather, but a dose of Ibuprofen seemed to pick her up and she was her normal self for a few hours.

This afternoon the Gorse Fox returned to the "tawnyowl" rebuild. In a rare moment of clarity he cracked the last couple of issues and the system is now running again perfectly. What a relief! Now, possibly stupidly, he's going to start the whole process again from scratch to see if he can get it to run through without any problems at all and ensure that the documentation matches the final process. That, however, can wait for another day.

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