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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Five Miles High

The Gorse Fox woke up this morning and remembered he wasn't in a Gatwick Hotel. As he writes this blog post he also remembers he is not whizzing along at nearly 500 miles an hour, five miles above the Atlantic. It's a good job he bought a bottle of rum in Sainsbury's so that he can pretend to be in Jamaica.

Much of the morning was spent playing with Ellie and then the Gorse Fox retired to the study. He managed to complete the automatic mounting and monitoring of the NAS drives on "barnowl" and the automatic emailing of reminders from "tawnyowl".

This afternoon, there was a trip to Sainsbury's. The Gorse Fox observed that the adjustments that the Silver Vixen had made to his mask, worked well. He also noticed far more people were wearing masks, but they were being more cavalier with regards to social distancing.

Back home the Gorse Fox started to prepare for the complete rebuild of his production system for the private blog. This runs on "peregrine" and is currently flagging up warnings of some back level software (though it is still working flawlessly). As many of the changes are in the security coverage, he feels it is time for an upgrade, particularly as the whole process is so fresh in his mind, and so meticulously documented. The various configuration scripts have been updated. A new microSD has been loaded with the latest Raspbian distribution, and a new USB stick has been ordered to replace the current one. (this means that the old one can be archived away until the Gorse Fox is happy that everything is working properly).

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