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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Chasing bugs (that don't exist)

Another gorgeous day here in the South.

For the Gorse Fox, most of the day has been spent in the study. It all started with a plan to scan through some old video and split it into relevant components. The software said that a new version was available and invited him to download it. He did. That's where the problem started.

He reopened the software and went to his media library to suck in the video... but it wasn't there in the list. He looked elsewhere. It was nowhere to be found. He re-installed the software. Same result. He checked the file locations (after all, he has been moving things around). No, the files were there. So it continued until he noticed (after several hours) that the particular files were in a different video format. Moulds it be that format wasn't recognised? He transcoded one file and looked again. There it was. Doh!

The Gorse Fox has now embarked on an exercise to transcode all of the old video format clips and files into a format supported by DaVinci Resolve.

As a byproduct of this, he has realised that a number of videos he thought he had already edited, clearly haven't been.

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