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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Just Hanging

The Gorse Fox has had a fairly uneventful day. (You might ask yourself if he ever has anything different. He is retired, he doesn’t care).

Cousteau-Cub arrived first thing and set up her equipment in the study. The Gorse Fox thinks she quite likes the space, the comfortable chair, and the reliable internet service.

The Gorse Fox played with Ellie during the morning while everyone else was doing their various ablutions. Urban-Cub also had some conference calls and had agreed to collect the Coventry Hobbit and take him to work as his knee was giving him problems.

The Silver Vixen has managed to cut out a couple more masks this afternoon while the Gorse Fox was going through a couple of boxes of old video tapes so that he could check which ones still needed to be captured and transcoded. Unfortunately, it has revealed several tapes which have no descriptions written on the covers... the question is “is there any content? Or are they just empty, unused tapes?”

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