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Thursday, April 04, 2024


 The heavy overnight rain didn't materialise until it was time for me to put the bins out. It had been a very leisurely start to the day and my computer reminded me to free the bins just as the rain started. It rained on and off throughout the morning.

We had our usual shopping spree, which was surprisingly painless this week. Clearly, the bus which usually delivers the zombies was running late.

When we had unpacked the shopping and sat down with a cup of tea, Di chased the Anticoagulant clinic for a response to her email while I went back through the quotations we had received for the replacement of the boiler. I asked AI to compare the two boilers and it came up with a good analysis that confirmed my gut feeling. I then asked it to compose a letter declining one of the quotations. The text was excellent and only required a few minor tweaks before I sent it. I then formally accepted the quote from the other supplier. It was more expensive, but I felt far more confident about the professionalism of the company and was impressed by the extensive feedback that was available. 

We had a quiet afternoon. Another book bit the dust and a further tome was started.

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