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Tuesday, February 13, 2024


I did not feel rested when I awoke. I had a new pillow and it evidently does not suit me. I felt as if my neck had been stretched all night.  We have another spare, so I shall try that tonight. If that doesn't work I predict a trip to John Lewis. 

The main excitement for the morning was taking Jasper to a new Vet. He was wandering around us right up to the time we needed to put him in the (hidden) carrier. At that point, he disappeared under Ellie's bed. We had to move the furniture and then move the bed in order to get him out. Unfortunately, he chose this moment to have a wee. We got him into the carrier and loaded him into the car. Ten minutes later we were at the Vets'. He had his initial consultation, had his claws clipped, and had a lump checked (and drained). We were given some antibiotics for him and soon had him back home.

Back home we returned to Ellie's room, cleaned up the mess and then moved everything back where it belonged.

Diane returned to her sewing and I spent a little time with my book. Mid-afternoon, Diane had a long chat with Jan Mabbott over the phone. I returned to my journals. I now have a chronological list of what we did while in Arizona and I'm slowly going through recording my recollections of each and selecting suitable photos to illustrate the text.

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