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Monday, February 12, 2024

Mind the Gap

I had a very lazy start to the day, not rising until 07:45. Coffee called and I had to respond. We heard from Zoe during the evening yesterday. Ellie hadn't lasted at the sleepover. Two of the other guests were playing about and wouldn't let Ellie get to sleep, so she asked to go home. I trust she had a lie-in this morning.

After breakfast, I gathered up detritus that had accumulated (mainly in the garage) since Christmas. It was time to visit the local "Household Waste Recycling Centre". The car was loaded and I headed for the tip. It didn't take long, but in the end, I disposed of Xmas wrapping paper, boxes, old shoes, a saucepan (that leaked) and various other items for disposal. It was very satisfying. 

I returned home and settled back into the task of editing the 1990 journal. Progress is slow. I have, however, just arrived at the start of our holiday in Arizona. The problem with this is that I didn't keep a journal during that wonderful holiday. There is a huge gap in my diaries and notebook. I did, however, take a great deal of video while we were there. I have been trawling through the videos intending to list the major things we did during the time we were there. I'll also try to create a few photo collages to illustrate it. (Note to self: if you get the chance to use a time machine, go back to the summer of 1990 and take notes during the family holiday).

Diane spent much of the day on her sewing machine. I spent the afternoon with my latest book enjoying the warmth as the sun beat down through the glass.

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