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Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 Urban-Cub was up and on her way to work in the early hours. Fortunately, Ellie didn't wake until eight. This was a real bonus and somewhat unexpected.

During the morning, the Gorse Fox found himself playing a version of hide and seek. This involved Ellie explaining that she was going to hide and where she would be. The Gorse Fox then had to count and tell her he was searching for her, while pretending not to know where she was. The converse was when she insisted that the Gorse Fox hide. This is not so easy. He did, however find several locations that completely stumped her. Not because he was well-hidden, but rather because he had placed himself in places she wouldn't think of. 

Around lunchtime, the Silver Vixen and Gorse Fox sorted out this week's order for Ocado, but as soon as that was done the Gorse Fox offered to take Ellie out on her scooter. Well, she was enthusiastic at first. Then she realised she would need some leggings, a coat, a hat, and some gloves. That was enough to dissuade her until the Gorse Fox conceded and sat down to do something else. Then she changed her mind. This flip/flop occurred a couple of times but finally she got wrapped up and we headed out.

"Do you know the way to your new house?" asked the Gorse Fox. She did and we went round the corner so she could show the Gorse Fox her new house, and which window was her bedroom. That done, she decided she had had enough and wanted to go back home. That was a quick five minutes! The Gorse Fox took her home, then went out for a quick walk by himself.

The Gorse Fox has also been investigating whether there are any sensible solutions to cast TV from a controller on one wall to a TV on the opposite wall without running cables round the room. Bizarrely, Urban-Cub's new home has the media combination panel on the least sensible wall and not where you would sensibly expect to put the TV. No sensible solution has come to mind so far but the Samsung One Connect box is close. The problem is that the transmission cable to the TV, though almost invisible, is only 5m long and cannot tolerate tight bends. This needs more thought.      

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