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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Play Dough and rain

 Ellie woke before seven but stayed in her room watching YouTube until she had pressed a button that had changed the screen in a way that she couldn't change. This triggered the Gorse Fox to get up and intervene. Screen was reset to the way she wanted and the Gorse Fox left her to it and went down for a coffee.

When Ellie did come down she went on an Elf hunt. It didn't take her too long to realise that the Elf had exhausted spots in the lounge and had ventured into the Orangery.

The Gorse Fox isn't quite sure what the Elf was doing, but she seemed quite happy at the top of the tree.

The Silver Vixen headed off at lunchtime. It was another late shift. The Silver Vixen followed soon after for an appointment at the hairdresser. The Gorse Fox and Ellie were left in charge. We played with Play Dough, we played with her Peppa Pig theatre, and we did some colouring. Ellie has the attention span of a gnat so none of these lasted for long. The Gorse Fox decided that, as the sun was out, we would go for a walk and that Ellie could take her scooter. She was excited, though dubious that the Gorse Fox wasn't taking her buggy. We left the house and headed in an anti-clockwise direction round the estate. Within a few hundred metres the sun had disappeared and the clouds had started to spit rain on the intrepid venturers. Having not dressed for rain we interrupted the route and headed home.

The Silver Vixen is back from the hairdresser. She fairly pleased with the cut, but the colour isn't what she had requested. We will have to see how this plays out.

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