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Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 With the Urban-Cub leaving for work in the early hours, G-Force were in charge again. Ellie didn't wake until 7:15 then happily lay in bed with us until 7:45. Quite acceptable.

Once everyone's ablutions were complete, the Gorse Fox found himself sitting on the lounge floor with Ellie building random structures with Lego. It was fun, though not very productive. 

After lunch the Silver Vixen and Ellie progressed to Play Dough. The Gorse Fox took this as a cue to go for a walk. He didn't go too far, but was pleased to get a few kilometres under the belt.

Not really much else to report. The Gorse Fox has decided that, even if organised outdoor sport is allowed, he will not return to football until the current highly transmissable coronavirus is back under control. He isn't willing to take the risk of carrying the virus back into the house.

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