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Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 It was the early hours before Urban-Cub got home from work. Unfortunately, the Gorse Fox didn't hear her come in and he lay awake waiting for her until gone three!.

Poppy the Elf was obviously peckish on her return from the North Pole. Ellie found her this morning. She was propped up in the lounge with an open packet of popcorn that she has splattered over the carpet.

Urban-Cub was back at work for lunch-time with another long and late shift expected. The Gorse Fox followed her out so that he could raid Sainsbury's. It only took him an hour to get his whole list, checkout, load the car, and get home. Not bad, considering all of the dire warnings about panic buying. Maybe we are all just a bit more sensible and restrained down here.

The Gorse Fox and Ellie went out for a walk during the afternoon, but were soon interrupted by heavy rain. We diverted and took a quick route home, but she did well - not wanting to ride in the buggy, despite the driving rain.

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