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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Good Riddance

 The last day of 2020 and, quite frankly, good riddance to it. We have been immensely fortunate, compared with many people, we have remained healthy, we have a pleasant house and garden, and we have family nearby. Though it has been a stressful year for Urban-Cub with her relationship and her job, both she and Ellie have blended into our day to day life and now she has a new job and is about to move into her own house. Cousteau-Cub and the Coventry Hobbit moved into a nice house in Chichester and seem to have settled well (though their older dog is not at all well). There are many people for whom 2020 has been a lot worse. We are blessed.

It's been a fairly quiet day. Urban-Cub was on an early shift again so G-Force were in charge throughout the day. This morning seemed to be the Gorse Fox being focussed on Paw Patrol figures and the Lookout, followed by a game of hide and seek, and that was followed by some jigsaws. This afternoon Ellie was focussed on the Silver Vixen and cycled between her various games, spending at least a nanosecond on each before discarding it and demanding another.

It may be New Years Eve, but the Gorse Fox suspects we will have a very quiet evening and go to bed at our usual time.

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