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Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Languid Start

 It was 7:25 before I emerged for the first coffee of the day. I settled downstairs with the online news and caught up on the 2% of news that was of interest. (This means that Trump, Strictly, Harry & Meghan, Awards Ceremonies, Fashion, Gossip and heavens alone knows what else, just got ditched). An hour or so later, Diane emerged from her cocoon, in need of tea. (I should point out that I am always willing to take a tea up to her, but she insists that I don't, or she wouldn't get up).

The morning saw the usual mid-month meter readings, a check of the accounts, and a check on our blood pressure (it's nice to keep a regular check). I then headed out for a walk, with a view to posting a card somewhere along the route. I only got about 20 yards before I was waylaid by Chris and Maureen for a chat. When I moved on, the audiobook was reaching its denouement. I hadn't gone too far when I was again interrupted. This time it was a phone call from Jan. She was in the car on the way to the hospital to visit John. She gave me an update on his progress and asked how things were with us. I filled her in, we said goodbye, and I returned to the book. With the interrupts and the route chosen, I had timed it to perfection. The book ended (very satisfactorily) as I walked up to our front door. I now have to find another.

After lunch, we had some Kindle time and I broke off to get dinner on the go. We've just had a lovely joint of pork with some good crackling.

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