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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Car Sharing

 It was a very wet morning. The Gorse Fox, Urban-Cub and Ellie all had to shelter beneath our umbrellas on the way to school. There was no sign of it letting up during the morning. We were in for lot more rain.

The Silver Vixen had Pilates and the Gorse Fox had his usual football. We decided to car-share. as a rule we go separately as we start at slightly different times and the Silver Vixen likes to stay on for coffee and a chat at the end. The start time isn't a problem for the Gorse Fox as he can drop her and still get to the game in time. We tried it last week, quite successfully - and decided to stick with it.

Football was pretty good, despite the incessant rain. The Gorse Fox managed to score the opening goal, then later score a penalty. We enjoyed a "proper" game today. There was none of this 3-touch nonsense. The Gorse Fox doubled his caloric burn rate and covered significantly more ground than usual. We did, however, have a serial moaner return after injury and that rather took the edge off the game. The Gorse Fox thinks the final score was 8-6 to the other team... 

The Gorse Fox picked the Silver Vixen up on his way back and we had a quiet lunch. The Silver Vixen watched the procession of the Queen's coffin to Westminster Hall while the Gorse Fox read. Then she, (the Silver Vixen, not the Queen) went to collect Ellie from school and the Gorse Fox went to take Old Bill to the local surgery to have his staples removed. He is still looking very frail, and the discomfort of the procedure kept him very quiet on the way home.

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