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Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Car Sharing

 The Gorse Fox tootled round to Urban-Cub's to walk Ellie to school. She was clearly 'up for it' and charged ahead as we walked up the road.

Back home the Silver Vixen got ready for Pilates and the Gorse Fox got ready for football. With the Skoda in the body shop, the Gorse Fox was taking the Silver Vixen to Pilates first, then going off to football before collecting her on the ay back. Despite some new roadworks en route, the traffic was kind and we arrived in plenty of time.

Football was the usual mix of players (when selected by Jack). This meant that the Gorse Fox was on a team with only only one attacker and two players of limited mobility. We did, however, have a fairly strong defence. It was a hard fought game and was thoroughly enjoyable to play. The Gorse Fox was pleased with his performance even if we did lose 3-2.

This afternoon, the Silver Vixen joined Tinkerbell and went round for afternoon tea with Lady Penelope. This left the Gorse Fox with his book. We had an absolute cloud burst just before 15:00 and the Gorse Fox was concerned about collecting Ellie. He dug out her umbrella and managed to find his own. At 15:10 he left to meet Urban-Cub and walk to the school. The rain had stopped. The sun was out. The umbrellas were superfluous. Ellie had enjoyed another day at school. 

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