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Wednesday, February 22, 2023


There was no immediate hurry to get up this morning. The Gorse Fox could wander around to Urban-Cub's in time for the walk to school - but didn't need to worry about Ellie's breakfast. The Silver Vixen did have to get up so she would be ready for her appointment at the hairdresser at 9:00.

It was when the Gorse Fox was opening the shutters that his phone vibrated. A message had arrived. He checked. It was a Happy Birthday message from his nephew Mark. Oh yes - his brain suddenly engaged - it is his birthday, he had not given it a thought until the message arrived. From that point onwards, messages appeared on all of the social media platforms. The Gorse Fox has tried to respond to each and every one.

After the school escort service, the Gorse Fox had some breakfast and retired to his study. He has spent some of the day editing and formatting old blog extracts. 

As we are going away for a few days, Jasper needed to spend some time in the Spa. Even though we had not varied our morning routine, nor retrieved our suitcases from storage, he somehow guessed. He buried himself under Ellie's bed in the most inaccessible place he could. In the end, we had to send a text to the Cat Whisperer to say we would be late. Jasper finally emerged and strolled into the kitchen with a proud swagger. "You couldn't get me, could you?" he seemed to be saying. The Gorse Fox shut the kitchen door and he was trapped. He knew it. He started his yowling, which continued until we dropped him off at the Cattery.

Back home, we had some lunch and then retrieved our suitcases. Everything is now ready for a prompt start in the morning - the plan is to leave around 9:00.

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